Notoma loads configuration via environment variables, or an .env file. The easiest way to configure Notoma is to take a look at the [.env.sample file in the repository,]( and tweak it to your liking.

NOTOMA_NOTION_TOKEN_V2 = your_secret_notion_cookie_token_v2

# If your blog database doesn't have the layout property, Notoma will use the default layout. 

# Permalink patttern to use for @links in your Notion pages.
NOTOMA_PERMALINK_PATTERN = <https://$baseurl/$title/>

# Base URL to use when assembling @links

Supported permalink substitutions

{: .mt-8 }

Note: the permalink format must match whatever format you're using in your blog engine. It's on you to set and make sure the format matches. If they don't match, the @links won't work, and you'll likely see some 404 pages.

When Notoma processes @links, it'll try to build a link by taking NOTOMA_PERMALINK_PATTERN from the config, and substituting it's parts: